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Cargo broker and port agent

Port agency and cargo broker

Acting as full agents and cargo broker, we ensure all relevant port call preparations such as pre-arrival documentation, custom formalities and vessel’s prospects will be applied in port systems and always keeping all parties well updated from our side. Protecting our principals interests has our highest priority and we are not satisfied untill our principals are.

Our experienced Port Agency teams offer 24/7 one-point-of-contact services to all types of vessels.

Contact one of our offices for more information about our services.

The specific tasks of Dynamic Port Agencies as your cargo broker or port agent include:

  • Providing the necessary information concerning the freight rates and the publication of the sailing lists
  • Looking for cargo via notices and sailing lists
  • Booking of cargo and the conclusion of the agreements
  • Drawing up, initiating and delivering the required documents (booking lists, shipping permits, delivery orders) related to the cargo
  • Contacting the shippers/forwarders with regard to the deliveries for shipment
  • Fulfilling the necessary formalities regarding the delivery and reception of the goods (customs etc.)
  • Settling cargo claims with insurance companies